Legal information

Conditions and legal information.

Conditions of car hire in Canary Islands

General conditions

Welcome to the website of Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. Please read well all the following conditions before using the website. The following points inform about the using of the website and internet. The user will accept the conditions as soon as using our website or internet. If the user doesn´t want to accept the conditions, please don´t use our website. Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. is holding all the rights to change the content of the website in every moment. The content is valued in the moment of publicity.

It is possible that you find other purveyors, other websites and other companys in our website. Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. is not responsable for the content of this pages.

The content of our website, fotos, animations, logos and text, is protected by the rights of the owner and property of Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L.. Our website is made for the personal use only. Without the permission of Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. the comercial use is strictly forbidden. It is not allowed to copie or to publish the content of our website. To get the permission please contact with our management (see Contacts). There are no guarantee on the content of this website.

Conditions for the Reservation On-line

A valid driver's license is required, with minimum of two years of experience. The minimum age of the driver must be 21 years old.

Confirmations of reservations are inmediate. In case we don't have the desired model, we'll offer another car of the same category or superior.

Reservations include the following:

  • Full insurance (no excess)
  • Unlimited civil hability insurance bail and legal defense as well as third party damages coverage for car and occupant damage (contracted with the Mapfre company)
  • Unlimited mileage
  • Local taxes
  • Aditional driver can also be included at no extra charge
  • Child, baby car seats and roofrack are free charge

A fuel deposit is required for the amount of fuel in the vehicle upon delivery. This deposit will be refunded if the fuel level is the same when the vehicle is returned. Otherwise, the cost of the consumed fuel will be charged if the vehicle is returned with a lower amount.

There is no extra charge to cancel or modify the booking. You can do it on-line, by email or by phone.

The user expressly accepts these reservation conditions of cars.

Conditions for using the website

Using this website is on your own risk and responsibility. Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. and/or all the other companys and purveyors and personal who works with the website are not responsable for any damage or wrong using of this website.

Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L. is not responsable for any reclaim, error, defect, elimination, virus, robbery, destruccion etc. or use of no authorized persons.

The user will accept the conditions for using this website.

Company info

Autos Cabrera Medina, S.L.

Avda. Mamerto Cabrera Medina, s/n
35509 - San Bartolomé
Lanzarote - Canary Islands - Spain

Teléfono: +34 928 822 910

Entered in the Mercantile Register of Las Palmas in the folio 116 of volume 484, number 163, 2nd section, General GC, 3538 sheet, and entry 1, and the adjustment of status in the commercial register.

Your car hire in the Canary Islands

Policy privacy car hire

Policy of Protection of personal data.

We inform you that the personal data you provide, together with the IP address of the device from which the booking is made, will be processed by Autos Cabrera Medina, SL for the purpose of managing, maintaining and controlling quality in the relations stemming from the vehicle without driver rental contract in accordance with Spanish Law 58/2003 of 17 December, the Spanish Tax Act and Civil Code, and Spanish Royal Decree of 24 July 1889. In order to comply with the legal obligations stemming from provision of the contracted service, your personal data will be communicated to the companies of Grupo Empresarial Cabrera Medina and will be kept for as long as required by the legal obligations and possible liabilities stemming from provision of the service or other activity subject to the contract. The possible communication of data and purposes thereof may include the following:

Purpose: (I) Legal obligations under Spanish Law 58/2003 of 17 December, the Spanish Tax Act, Spanish Royal Decree of 24 July 1889 and the Spanish Civil Code. (II) Service quality control. (III) Management of the booking outside of Lanzarote.
Legal grounds: (I) Legal obligation and contract execution. (II) Legitimate interest. (III) Contract execution
Recipient: (I) Grupo Empresarial Cabrera Medina. (II) Data Controller, Trustpilot. (III) Canary Islands Car, SLU
IT and Guarantees: (II & III) U.E/U.S (Privacy Shield).

You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as well as exercise the rights to which you are legally entitled (access, elimination and rectification of your data, as well as the limitation or opposition to the processing thereof) by sending an email to or writing to Avda. Comercial Mamerto Cabrera Medina, s/n, San Bartolomé, CP 35509, Las Palmas, indicating “Cabrera Medina/Data Protection” as the subject and including a form of identification, such as a copy of your DNI or passport. Furthermore, we undertake to comply with the personal data confidentiality obligation and the duty to keep them, and will adopt the necessary security measures to avoid the unauthorised processing, loss or destruction thereof.

Creation of account and driver

Acceptance of the creation of a user account by ticking the box provided implies that you provide your consent for Cabrera Medina, SL to process the personal data you provide in the form entitled “Driver Details” for the purpose of creating the user account and associated driver necessary for completion of the vehicle without driver vehicle rental pre-contract, and they will be processed together with the IP address of the device from which the booking is made for the purpose of managing, maintaining and controlling the quality of the service received. The possible communication of data and characteristics thereof may include the following:

Purpose: (I) (I) Legal obligations under Spanish Law 58/2003 of 17 December, the Spanish Tax Act, Spanish Royal Decree of 24 July 1889 and the Spanish Civil Code. (II) Service quality control. (III) Management of the booking outside of Lanzarote
Legal grounds: (I) Legal obligation and contract execution. (II) Legitimate interest. (III) Contract execution.
Recipient: (I) Grupo Empresarial Cabrera Medina. (II) Data Controller, Trustpilot. (III) Canary Islands Car, SLU
IT and Guarantees: (II & III) U.E/U.S (Privacy Shield).

Directly from your account, you may exercise your right to the elimination of your data or withdraw your consent for the processing of your data for the purpose of creating a user account by clicking on the option “Delete Account” or rectify the data associated with said account by clicking on the tab “Change Details”.

Similarly, you may create, change or delete the details of drivers associated with your booking. In the event that you intend to provide the details of third parties, please ensure that you are in one of the situations provided for by Article 6 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) on the processing of personal data.

The other rights to which you may be entitled, such as access, opposition or limitation on processing, may be exercised by sending an email to or writing to Comercial Mamerto Cabrera Medina, s/n, San Bartolomé, CP 35509, Las Palmas, indicating “Cabrera Medina/Data Protection” as the subject and including a form of identification, such as a copy of your DNI or passport. Furthermore, we undertake to comply with the personal data confidentiality obligation and the duty to keep them, and will adopt the necessary security measures to avoid the unauthorised processing, loss or destruction thereof.

As well as the data of a personal character expressly provided by the user, Grupo Empresarial Cabrera Medina, SL. stores the information on the IP address of the computer from where the reservation is made in order to know the origin of the same, and cookies to improve your experience on this website. For more information about the use of cookies, click here...

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